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Not a Bug Only getting quests from chapter 1


Don't really know if this is a bug or a feature. :rolleyes:

I've currently reached chapter 6 but all the time I'm only getting quests from chapter 1. This probably has something to do with me not building a barrack and not fulfilling the quest "The Barracks" (shouldn't it be called "The Barrack" since you only build one barrack ?!) but for now I've no intention in building any barrack at all. :D

Seeing that there are enough other quests which have no relation to the barrack and/or fighting I would expected to get some of those as well but I'm stuck with the same 9 quests for a long time now. :(
Better Buildings
More Supplies
Solve Encounters in the World
Having Steel
Using Strengths: Planks
Having Marble
Complete a Province
More Coins
The Barracks

Account name: Lord Soth (Elves)
Last edited by a moderator:
This is not a bug - the repeatable quests are (partly) based on your progress with the storyline quests. Not advancing in the storyline will give this result, which is indeed intended behaviour.