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Not a Bug No world chat at all ?


This bothered me for some time.

I do have an option for guild chat, but there is NO OPTION visible to me for general chat or world chat (Beta1), while other posts on this forum refer to it, with bugs on it. So, basically, my bug is that there is NO CHAT for me.
I see a LOT of new villages appearing and disappearing over time around me, I suspect that many players have the same issue and do not stay around if they cannot find a general chat available.

Currently I reached a quest for which I would need to communicate (need to accept 5 trades), but all trades I see most times are ludicrous so I would not accept any of those (I only found 1 fair offer since I started this quest); the only way around would be to be able to chat and arrange fair trade offers while I am there.


Unless I missed something in the last few days, I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as a world-chat in this game. You can use messages however, or you can ask your guild for help (if you're in one).


Thank you for reporting this to us, Fafhred. Lord Jirre and Katzenprinz are correct, currently there is no world chat feature in the game. :)