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Duplicate no coins after upgrading residences

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after upgrading a residence I have to reload the game to be able to collect the money ?!?!?!?!?


In this game the construction is completed only after you have logged in to the game. For example if you set your residence to an 2 hrs upgrade but return to the game after 5 hrs, the construction will be completed upon your return to the city and the residence will start its activity right at the moment you have logged in.


Thank you for bringing this to our attention, karinlundq. Semra is correct, the buildings only start producing after you open your city once their construction is completed.


Thank you for bringing this to our attention, karinlundq. Semra is correct, the buildings only start producing after you open your city once their construction is completed.
so why is this happening only here on beta? I have several game windows open (cities on US and German server). it does not happen there ?!?!!??!!?
when an upgrade is completed I go to that city (it is loaded, just have to change tab on browser) and the residence starts producing money right then. here on beta I actually have to reload the game completely


I had that the other day,
after some time, I found out that the residences that had just completed their upgrade to lvl 16 were not showing any coin production
after reloading the game, they showed the production that had actually started once the upgrades were complete.


forgot to mention - it even happens when I am in the city at the time the upgrade is completed. when I hover over the residence it gives me the same comment I get when I hover over a dormant production site: click on the building and decide what you want to produce.........


I apologize I must have misread your initial post, karinlundq. I thought it was referring to the fact that one needs to be logged into the city for a production to start.

Philplessis link seems to point in the right direction though. :) Will refer to this thread there.
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