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Duplicate No animation for working marble manufactory (level 1)


Active Member
Game version: v1.124
HTML5 Yes/No: yes
Game world: zz1 (BETA)
Browser/IOS/Android + version: Edge Version 88.0.705.74 (Offizielles Build) (64-Bit)
Flash Player version: -
Operating System or Mobile Device: Win10, pc
Screen resolution: 3840x2860
Account name: Muhakl
Humans or Elves: elf


Quest title: (if applicable)

Current situation:
several marble manufactories - all of them are working (admirable altar, 24h job) - there's no animation

Expected situation:
animation when working

Reproduction Steps
1. build a marble manufactory level 1
2. starting a 24h job
3. manufactory starts to work, but there's no animation