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New ways of earning runes needed


The flaw in all this is that true probability is irrelevant. There is no random probability inherent in computer-generated numbers: they can be programmed to follow any variant.

Nothing ensures that "In your Third round, a rune will shatter 2 of 9 times".

If we're going to examine probabilities, which is more probable: That Inno followed random probability, or that Inno increased the difficulty in order to provoke diamond spending

Sorry to duplicate, CrazyWizard - we were simultaneously posting.


In my case it was also >30 runes several times (2 days ago: 32).
Never filled the whole circle with 18 runes nor heard about such a great luck. :)

Maybe my brotherhood is unlucky but lots of us get broken shards while putting 2nd or 3rd rune and it's not like it happens once. I got 6 (six!) shards last time...


For certain AW I have of to use 14 runes (I was lucky) and for others 23.
On average to free my 8 circles (I have 4 AW above the level 5) I needed on average 19 runes by circle.


None of this matters. Whether it is 19 runes or 35, it will still take an insane amount of time to get these runes. And that is the point of this thread. We need more ways to get runes.


I was able to complete an upgrade with 18 yesterday, starting with 3 broken. All the previous 5 upgrades had required 28 or more.


Players in my FS in EN are getting increasingly frustrated because they can't get the runes they need to build the wonder they are looking for... and this is only going to get worse with so many wonders released, as our sources for runes are still very limited.


As long as its not mandatory to have the new Wonders researched in the tech tree I won't do so. This won't get rid of the problem but works for now to keep the number of availbale runes lower.

For the future I wouldn't mind to see that we can find runes inside those treasures chests we get for helping neighbors as well. :)


Will one of you mathematicians help me here, please:

For the long term game, shouldn't we go ahead and research any Wonder technology we think we want eventually? Yes, once we do the odds change...but if we don't research them now, the odds later are so much worse.

If I've already upgraded my Elven and Fairy Wonders to L15 (without adding any of the earlier new Runes)...then when I decide to add 1-2 of the early ones, I only have a 2/16 chance of gaining a usable Relic.

So, is it better to have a 8-12/16 probability over the longer game, or a 8-10/16 probability now with a 2-4/16 later? (The ratios aren't precise..it depends on how many Wonders a player wants to build, etc.)


Depends on how badly you want them. Say you want one of the first wonders to lvl 15 as quickly as possible and you're only somewhat interested in the others, then it's better to wait with the others. But lets say you want ALL the wonders (for whatever weird reasons you may have), then it is indeed better to research every single wonder as quickly as possible, otherwise it'll be more likely for you to get more duplicate runes that aren't useful, while you still need runes from newer wonders.
Let's say you would research them all at once though, it could take quite a while before you can actually build a wonder, since you'll get so many different runes. It's all about what you prefer.


Well-Known Member
off course we want them all,
but working as it now is, it's best to slow down research, the human and dwarven wonders are easy to get by neighbourly help, the new wonders are a pain in the butt.
Each level only rewards a single rune to a single person. than means it's nearly impossible to gain your runes by helping others.
So make sure you got a bucketload of the new runes first before getting the human/dwarven ones, there super easy to gain.


Even with the tournaments you can now earn less runes than before, not really in line what what is wanted in this thread...
But we all know, we just are their testing team... and they prefer that players throw money to get those damn runes...


It does look like this is Inno's away to force players to buy diamonds. From the live chat it became clear they have no intention of making earning runes any easier, and if the new wonders are any indication, they are in fact, making it harder, as the new wonders give less runes for level, making it even harder to build them even if you spend a lot of Kps donating.

So players will have to buy them with diamonds, or just make peace with the fact that it will take years to be able to build most of them, and forget upgrading them...


Or players will get sick of this game and leave. I have seen that too. It isn't remotely enjoyable to play a game where it will take more time to build something online than it would to build it in real life.

More than anything, I think these wonders have been horrible for this game. They have caused the most frustration and the most hard feelings. They have destroyed fellowships, destroyed friendships, and they are a totally different kind of gaming experience. In order to be successful building them, you MUST snipe runes from others. Or you will never build the one you want. You MUST harm your friends and take things from them that they need too. The newer wonders only give out one rune per level so sniping is even worse. If I wanted a gaming experience like that, I could play FoE.

I don't like the direction this game has taken. I wanted a city builder where I got to be creative and build and work with others and have friends. I didn't want to be a pillager and steal runes from my best friends.