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New Game Features New Traveling Merchant with Sentient Goods

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Well-Known Member
Implement a Traveling Merchant type of building offering Sentient Goods.

In the earlier days of the game some fellowships, and entire Neighborhoods, were without a certain goods production. I actually have pictures of 9 pages of nothing but trades for marble. The Traveling Merchants came along and instantly became our most prized rewards. Now it's Sentient Goods. People in Chapter 15 are stuck for days in the Research Tree without means to come up with hundreds of Sentient Goods needed to advance through just one tech. We can only feed so many seed guzzling, humungous buildings.

I propose 3 different Traveling Merchant style buildings, one for each tier, that would allow 3 hour and 9 hour choices between the non-boosted Sentient Goods. Like the early Traveling Merchants they wouldn't dole out voluminous amounts, but would at least be a great help. Right now anything would be more beneficial than another day of trying to accumulate Sentient Goods, and watching them decay while doing it. At least we'd feel like we were moving forward instead of glued in place.

It would make it easier to obtain Sentient Goods from non-boosted goods.

Possible downsides
Game balance.
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Deleted User - 70079

Or perhaps alternatively, the existing travelling merchants could give sentient goods if they are at very high chapter levels? i.e. Travelling merchant I gives Tier1 in ch1-11, and tier4 in ch12+, travelling merchant II gives tier2 in ch1-12, tier5 in ch13+, and travelling merchant III gives tier3 in ch1-13, and tier6 in ch14+.


Well-Known Member
Excellent idea!

I see no drawback with that. I have disposed of most of mine, although one periodically shows up in the Magic Academy. We used to get them in events and they were highly sought after rewards in their time. They probably would be again if they could make Sentient Goods. Having them chapter specific would be perfect, particularly if we could upgrade them with RR spells.


Well-Known Member
If anyone is approaching Chapter 15, or is in the very early stage of this chapter, it is difficult to realize how important Sentient Goods are. The tech I am stuck on requires 350,000 of my boosted tier 5 S.G. This cannot be made in a couple of days, so part of what I do make decays. I have exhausted all MM spells, and I can't trade, other than cross tier trading for it, and can't buy it in the Wholesaler. Each of the boosted Tier 5 have to be at least level 24 to make this, which means that with a road they each become larger than an entire expansion. I need even more Sentient Goods to enlarge the ones I do have, and the payoff is minimal.

With a Traveling Merchant there would be no need for seeds. If my boosted came up in the tech I would have something to trade, and anything would be a help to stave off the nightly decay.


Well-Known Member
Excellent idea!

I see no drawback with that. I have disposed of most of mine, although one periodically shows up in the Magic Academy. We used to get them in events and they were highly sought after rewards in their time. They probably would be again if they could make Sentient Goods. Having them chapter specific would be perfect, particularly if we could upgrade them with RR spells.
at present they can already be upgraded ... i've kept mine


Well-Known Member
Yes, now if they could be upgraded to making Sentient Goods it would be immensely helpful to those in the last chapter. Some of us are getting totally desperate to the point that it doesn't look promising to continue.

I do think that separate Traveling Merchants for only Sentient Goods would be the most beneficial, since sentient goods decay every day. S.G are best made when needed in the earlier chapters. The amount was never 350,000.

The great thing about the Traveling Merchants was that you could choose which non boosted you needed at that time. To have that ability with t4 - t6 in The Elvenar in a 2x3 building that requires no seeds would be ideal.


Well-Known Member
Nice idea and useful for some although I doubt that I would use it.
For me, in Chapter 16, I am either working hard on a chapter and need all the space I can get for settlement buildings and goods production OR I am waiting for a new chapter and produce sentient goods only when I need some for the Spire. So a building that produces a small amount wouldn't be terribly attractive.


Well-Known Member
A small building that would require no goods to make non boosted sentient goods might be rather attractive to some, particularly those that have difficulty in Chapter 15 getting trades for what they need. We actually lost players from our beta fellowship because they couldn't get trades for what they needed to advance in the tech tree. If it's in the Magic Academy, the same as the regular Traveling Merchants, then the ones that would appreciate it could make it, others wouldn't need to. There is a lot that comes up in the Magic Academy that isn't necessary in one city, but vital in another. In my Chapter 16 city I look for time boosts and Knowledge Points. In my smallest city I look for supply and coin instants, or a small culture building, none of which would be of great interest to large cities, but extremely helpful in the early chapters.

Deleted User - 88256

This is even more important in chapter 17, when your trader stops producing seeds.


Well-Known Member
Ideas that are approved to be forwarded to the developers go there, it is not a list of ideas that the developers have approved. :(
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Well-Known Member
yes yes @SoggyShorts, just I didn't expressed my idea correctly. My English isn't the best you've heard :D :D

>> forwarded to devs doesn't mean they will implement it. It's just what is saying > forwarded :D


Well-Known Member
Presumably it will be implemented, INNO finds everything good that you place uselessly in the city and take up space, you can also chase a total of 3 more buildings through the academy, which prevent you from getting something more useful. Congratulations