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Discussion New Spire of Eternity rewards!

Deadeye Jerry

Community Manager
Elvenar Team
Dear Humans and Elves,

Please see our latest changes to the Spire of Eternity here and let us know what you think about it!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team


Well-Known Member
Are you sure that's going to happen this sunday?
It's already friday evening and there is still spire_redpandamasterartifact scheduled + no Witch Summoning Circle version of spire in game files.


Well-Known Member
On March 3rd, the reward dataset for the Spire of Eternity will be adjusted for the next 6 weeks.

The spire with the new artifacts should, as always, start on sunday.

I guess it is pretty normal to do adjustments before the spire starts. ;-)


Well-Known Member
"Spell fragments have been added to the Boss Chests on the Spire of Eternity": that's ridiculous!!! We already have too many spell fragments. Bosses need better rewards!!!!!


Well-Known Member
"Spell fragments have been added to the Boss Chests on the Spire of Eternity": that's ridiculous!!! We already have too many spell fragments. Bosses need better rewards!!!!!
and which price went out? I dont guess there will be one price more than before? Maybe this so much "beloved" portals are gone?

I would appriciate more fragements rather than this 5 oder 10 % portalo. Fragments gets rare due to the cauldron.


Well-Known Member
and which price went out? I dont guess there will be one price more than before? Maybe this so much "beloved" portals are gone?

I would appriciate more fragements rather than this 5 oder 10 % portalo. Fragments gets rare due to the cauldron.
The announcement just says that something new is added. So the % of 1 or more prizes will be reduced :-(


Well-Known Member
As expected, more spell fragments (actually not only spell fragments, but also teleports from first gate and sips from third gate) are at the cost of less diamonds. (and it is already applied to the current spire).


Well-Known Member
As expected, more spell fragments (actually not only spell fragments, but also teleports from first gate and sips from third gate) are at the cost of less diamonds. (and it is already applied to the current spire).
Quantity? Probability? Both?


Here's some poorly formatted scan of the first floor:

New 1.1.4 -- 15% Supply Windfall 50, 20% 15 Diamonds, 65% Teleport
Old 1.1.4 -- 15% Supply Windfall 50, 30% 15 Diamonds, 55% Teleport

New 1.2.4 -- 5% artifact, 10% Supply Windfall 20, 20% 20 Diamonds, 65% 5x 2h Booster
Old 1.2.4 -- 5% artifact, 10% Supply Windfall 20, 20% 20 Diamonds, 65% 5x 2h Booster

New 1.3.4 -- 5% artifact, 10% Coin Rain 20, 20% 20 Diamonds, 65% 2000 Spell Fragments
Old 1.3.4 -- 5% artifact, 10% Coin Rain 20, 30% 20 Diamonds, 55% 2000 Spell Fragments

New 1.4.4 -- 10% Dwarven Armorer, 10% artifact, 10% Magic Residence, 30% Supply Windfall 50, 40% 50 Diamonds
Old 1.4.4 -- 10% Dwarven Armorer, 10% artifact, 10% Magic Residence, 30% Supply Windfall 50, 40% 50 Diamonds


Well-Known Member
probabilities. for second and third floors final bosses numbers are even worse,
2: 10% less for 75 diamonds, added 10% for 3k SF
3: 20% less for 125 diamonds, added 20% for 4k SF
That is like average 10% * 75:diamond: + 20% * 125:diamond: = 32.5:diamond: less per week... (just with modification in 2nd and 3rd floors final bosses)

Alternatively, they could let the diamonds probability stay as they were, and reduce the Portal Profit percentages... just an idea.

EDIT: If somebody gets me the snapshots, I prepare the Suggestion, so we can get this amended as soon as possible...


Well-Known Member
Reading the above comments about decreasing the % for diamonds in Spire, I can't understand why they did it (meaning Inno). The Spire is hard as it is and very unattractive for most players. When you look on all servers, you can see that very few FSs manage to get the Gold every week and some other few which can get the Gold once a month or even rarer.

So, my question stays: Why making the Spire even less appealing to most players? You think if they can't get the hand full of diamonds from there will jump on your super expensive offers?


That is like average 10% * 75:diamond: + 20% * 125:diamond: = 32.5:diamond: less per week... (just with modification in 2nd and 3rd floors final bosses)

Alternatively, they could let the diamonds probability stay as they were, and reduce the Portal Profit percentages... just an idea.

EDIT: If somebody gets me the snapshots, I prepare the Suggestion, so we can get this amended as soon as possible...

Is this the type of thing you're looking for?


  • Floor 1 Live.png
    Floor 1 Live.png
    1.4 MB · Views: 109
  • Floor 1 beta.png
    Floor 1 beta.png
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And here are the next two floors

I'm not seeing the boss reductions that @Karvest mentioned. Either they were mistaken or it was hot-fixed.
Instead it looks like a 10% reduced diamond chance on Doors 1 & 3 for each of the floors, meaning a total reduced expected value of 10.5 diamonds per spire.

Let me know if I missed anything.


  • Floor 2 beta.png
    Floor 2 beta.png
    1.4 MB · Views: 85
  • Floor 2 Live.png
    Floor 2 Live.png
    1.4 MB · Views: 86
  • Floor 3 beta.png
    Floor 3 beta.png
    1.7 MB · Views: 87
  • Floor 3 Live.png
    Floor 3 Live.png
    1.7 MB · Views: 91