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Neighbourly help button in mobile


Just this morning updated the android version to 1.98.3-a030799-256 and almost immediately wished I hadn't.

I use the mobile apps to give neigbourly help as it's simply so much faster, but in this latest update when you click neighbouring town on the map and get a row of buttons the position of nh button has been changed from far right to the middle next to message button. So I kept clicking the far right which now opens the town display (after wheels grinding and grinding) and then hopped back to map (some more grinding) before I figured out what had changed.

Now I wonder why ? Was there some huge player feedback that instead of having nh button in far right it would better, more intuative, having it positioned in the middle ? Or was it some housecleaning excercise (programmer thinking it's much more logical having it next to message button) ?

You might have figured out by now that I'm a little bit peeved. It's not that pleasing experience to tap repeatedly in quick succession on the screen with your finger, I myself usually use a rubber tipped tablet pen to do this - either way, the chance of a misclick (clicking wrong button) seems to have increased. This change did not improve user experience imho :mad:


Well-Known Member
I really disliked this change, with all the misclicks and the extra care to press the right button NH now takes much longer