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New Game Features Neighbourhood ranking


To make it possible to do proper adjustments of the position of players cities on the world map I'd like to suggest to establish a neighbourhood ranking.

The value for a player could be the number of given neighbourly help plus the amount of bought goods (not the number of trades!), the latter modificated somehow. The value should be watched on a weekly basis and additionally accumulated.

If a players value is high above the level of his surroundings, his city could be promoted in direction to the center of the map and vice versa. With this it should also be possible to avoid the situation, that you lose the connection to an active neighbour, if you're promoted.

Edit: There may be a big difficulty to move cities at all, because your bonused goods allocation seems to be determined by the position of your city on the world map (the surrounding provinces)
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This is interesting. I think I'd like see a system for grouping players not based on ranking/points, but on his level of activity.


About city moving, with your idea it wouldn't be that hard. There is a line, where the peoples have all the same boosted resources. Well, imagine that line through your city in a Northwest - southeast direction (check the next players to you, he has the same goods around him - same is with the boosts, and all the provinces are the same for him relatively.

So if there is a person with not that much activity are in the middle, can be swapped with the same type surrounding players who are active. One bit harder if you want to move entire neighbourhods.


Well-Known Member
Since we have chosen for a slightly different option, but with the same thing in mind: Moving active players closer to each other (and near the center of the map), I'll archive this thread now :)