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Not a Bug Neighborly help on disconnected buildings


Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.37-(b308e4f86) (2017-08-21 11:21)
Game world: BETA
Browser/IOS/Android + version: Google Chrome Version 60.0.3112.101 x64
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 10 Insider
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Account name: Elevenar
Humans or Elves: humans for sure

Reproducibility: 5/5 = always happens

Quest title: n/a

Current situation:
I moved my Orc Strategist this morning. It was placed with a street connection. This afternoon, someone managed to give help. I could not get rid of the helping avatar. (after some clicking, hovering and swiping with no result I reloaded the game ... avatar gone).

Expected situation:
I guess, disconnected buildings should not receive neighborly help. Bug or feature ... you decide.

Reproduction steps:
Disconnect Orc Strategist from streets.
2. Give neighborly help
3. Try to get rid of avatar by hovering...

20170821 bug_nh_orc_strategist.gif

20170821 bug_nh_orc_strategist_2.gif

20170821 bug_nh_orc_strategist_3.gif


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Sorry this is not a bug.
Thanks to the mobile app, you can even get neighbourly help on cultural buildings that are still under construction.
This is intentional the devs told us, so now we can also buff main halls who are permanently in upgrade