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Duplicate Negotiation Screen


Now that everyone is relocated on the world map, I think the Notification Screen needs to be overhauled, It should now be broken into 2 sections. 1 for Trades and 1 for showing who has Aided you. Also it needs to have more than 9 pages, as I'm losing track of some of the people who have aided me, when their names get scrolled off at the end of the 9th page. 30-50 pages would be more appropriate. The Notification screen should also be accessible from the World map and/or other peoples cities, as it is inconvenient to have to return to my city each time, when cycling through the list, aiding others who have aided me.

Cheers, Draxxan
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another tab or a filter, and yes, we definitely need more than 9 pages !


On the main Screen, the is a sub-screen in the upper left corner, with player Name, Picture, Rank, and Message, Notification, and FS buttons. When you go to a neighbours City, the same sub-screen exists, minus the Notification button. How hard would it be to add this in? So much easier than having to go back to your city, each time, when there all these Flash Player issues going on, and when going through what remains of the list of who has aided you, after trading has bumped a lot of the names off of the very limiting 9 page restriction. I still think splitting it into 2 tabs, one for Trades, and one for Aiding, is the way to go, and more Pages!!!! Honestly, it has to be easier than revamping the Battle System!!!! most of the infrastructure is already there!!!!!

Btw, Sorry for the confusion on the title. I should read Notification Screen, but I cant edit it!!!:(
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