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Not a Bug negative population


Game version:cannot paste right click but 0.14.13212...70
Game world: beta
Browser + version: chrome up to date
Flash Player version:
up to date
Operating System: windows
Screen resolution: 1920x 1080
Account name: elektronno
Humans or Elves:Elves

Current situation:
negative population -36
also after refreshing

trying to upload file, failed


Well-Known Member
Hi Elektronno,

Having the possibility to get a negative population in Elvenar is not a bug, but this is an intended feature. In order to advance in the game however (place/upgrade buildings), you'll first have to get a positive population again :)


Ok thanks, i did not know that. However, it is still strange because i had 33 population left and started a workshop upgrade for 32 population and end up with a negative population of 36. So somewhere a wrong population was displayed. And in reality i had a negative population then and shout not been able to upgrade this workshop.

Before this I upgraded my townhall.


Well-Known Member
Okay thank you for the additional info here. To what levels did you upgrade the Town Hall and the Workshop?


Game version:cannot paste right click but 0.14.13212...70
Game world: beta
Browser + version: chrome up to date
Flash Player version:
up to date
Operating System: windows
Screen resolution:
1920x 1080
Account name: elektronno
Humans or Elves:Elves

Current situation:
negative population -36
also after refreshing

trying to upload file, failed

You probably had to sell a residence and you have therefore lost population. This is not a bug ;)


I ugraded my town hall to level 15 and a workshop to level 10


yeah i learned that after the first reply thanks, but i should have not been able to upgrade my workshop. So I want to help find the bug


I recognized something today, that maybe is connected with this.
I upgraded 2 residences(elf) from 11 to 12, and when the constructions were finished the flying numbers showed +120 population instead of +80 (2x40)
I was not thinking about it to much, but now after i had to refresh the page due impossible supply collection i recogniced that my free population count was decreased from 202 to 162.
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Yeah I indeed upgraded 2 houses before I started this. So the problem lies in that. However, it is still strange that i was able to ugrade my workshop with already negative population.


I will try to reproduce it tomorrow. I still have some more residences that i will upgrade.
Only thing I can't test is, if i can reproduce it, is if can build with all wrong displayed population, since i have some population surplus right now.
But if it is possible it would explain your experience and is a bug.
-Upgrade 2 residences
-have more population shown then you really have until you refresh the page
-upgrade buildings with all shown population
-refresh and have -population

I hope it's clear what i mean with my not so proper english :)


I will try to reproduce it tomorrow. I still have some more residences that i will upgrade.
Only thing I can't test is, if i can reproduce it, is if can build with all wrong displayed population, since i have some population surplus right now.
But if it is possible it would explain your experience and is a bug.
-Upgrade 2 residences
-have more population shown then you really have until you refresh the page
-upgrade buildings with all shown population
-refresh and have -population

I hope it's clear what i mean with my not so proper english :)
Yeah i already reported that a while ago and it seemed that that did not happen anymore. At least I could not reproduce that. It does seem that this bug is back now.

However, also something else happened. I could upgrade a building while in reality I already had a negative population.


This works-as-intended answer is bad news, because they ask for beta-testers feedback, and at the same time they discard it.
Intended by who is the real question.
It may be intended by the game designers, but it is not intended by players.
The players have to be pleased, not the game designers.
If this behavior is not a bug, then the designers intention is the bug : fix it !
Can you imagine a town with -36 inhabitants ? Be serious please, and back to work.


Only a ghost town perhaps, but that's another story. :D

I agree that there shouldn't be any negative population. You should recieve a warning message that this or that action can only be done if you raise your population level.


The ability to go into negative population is considered a feature for the game by its creators, that means it is not a bug. However, that does not mean that feedback and suggestions aren't valued, though the appropriate venue for requesting a change in that regard would be the Ideas and Suggestions forum. If you're not pleased with any aspect of the game (or you are particularly pleased with certain aspects), please use the General Feedback area, and if you have any ideas for improvement use the ideas area.

While you can receive negative population, you cannot build new building or upgrade old ones till you return to a positive amount of population. You cannot progress further without population.

As to the 'wrong population displayed' issue, that would indeed be something that needs looking at if players are experiencing it.


I'm running a test right now.
I upgrade 2 residences from 11 to 12.
If it shows the wrong number again i even have managed to have enough upgrades and buildings to build avaiable to test if i can use the wrong displayed population count until a side refresh.
The upgrades are finished in 4:45 hours, so i will post then my result with screenshots, if it is reproduceable.

Edit: Since this thread is already moved to the archive and taged "not a bug"
I opened a new thread
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Well-Known Member
This just happened to me. I upgraded two residences and then thought I had enough population to upgrade two manufactories. But now I have a population of -14 after the maufactory upgrades.


Hi Elderflower - if you read up in the thread you can see we've pointed out that is part of the game's design. It may come across as weird behavior but it simply allows you to go into the negative until you can reach a positive number again.


Well-Known Member
ok. I was just puzzled that the game told me I had sufficient population to do the manufactory upgrade and then told me my population was negative once the upgrade was complete.