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Need suggestions on how to proceed please


I am in a bit of a pickle at the moment and am unsure how to proceed because of my builds and the growth requirements.

I currently have 10 lvl 7 residences. I can't improve those until I get the next level of research, which is 13 researches away yet to Superior Residences (I just started the advanced level).

At the same time I have the quest to build the scrolls manufactory. However, that requires 113 population. But, I can't increase my residences because of the technology.

Any suggestions on how to get through this seeming roadblock?


Hi serissa,

I see you have all tier 1 goods factories(planks/steel/marble) with 3 steel factories. I take it steel is your boosted good? I would focus on producing boosted goods only and try to trade it for the other 2. You've spend a total of 108 population on 2 planks and 2 marble factories. If you would remove those factories, you get that population back. Then you could build 1 residence on the spot where the marble factories used to be and upgrade it to level 3. You will then have enough population to build the scrolls factory which is 3x3 where the planks factories used to be. I know trading can be hard, and i take it that's why you built all 3 factories, but the main goal is still to focus on your 3 boosted goods. You can always rebuild them later in the game, but this will at least help you finish the quest and continue your progress :)


Well, that was a wise advice, but look my city now..... i was ranked 18 one hour ago, i started the game at january 28, the 3 first week where no trade for me, after that 3 week starting to trade because a was the only scrools producer at that time, untill now no one trade planks, silk, magic dust or gems, and i need thousand of every one to keep advancing, so i was forced to build every manufactorie.

So my advice is.....i have no idea what to do......but build all factories........


Know what you mean. Same here with Crystals for instance and nobody searching for Scrolls in my area.

Also some quests which you cannot decline want me to build manucatories of goods that I don't have as boosted goods. So you don't really have a chance but to build some manufactories of stuff you wouldn't need with a better neighborhood and more fitting quests.


Thank you all. You are right that steel is my boosted good. I have plenty of marble around me to trade but little plank. I'll work on this now. I appreciate the help!