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Duplicate Multiple Trading offers in one click

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Goods are demanded largely in this game so we have to put large amounts of offers in the market. In order to ensure our goods are traded, we split the amount into smaller numbers.

E.g. If I need 1500 GEMS, instead of preapering an offer like 1500 ELIXIR for 1500 GEMS, I split it into small numbers like 100 or even less. To do this I need to click at least 15 times to the "confirm" button. I usually end up with forgetting at what number I was so I check my offers tab and count the offers :p

Below the offer & want lines under the "Place Offer" tab, there could be an additional box reading something like "Repeat the offer" or a longer version "How many times do you want this offer to be repeated?" followed by similar increase/decrease buttons which would increase or decrease the number by 1 only.

Something like this :)

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This idea has been suggested earlier in the thread about creating and deleting multiple offers here (click). Could you support the idea in that thread and perhaps add your awesome mock-up to it as well? :D

I'll close this thread as a duplicate of the referred thread. :)
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