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Moderator's reply did not help - Now I am VERY UNHAPPY


I filed a bug about a Quest that will not complete:
Quest "Commemorating History" will not complete
Moderator replied that it is similar to another one, and filed it as a duplicate, with no more reply possible.
My problem is that I cannot get rid of it. Declining the Quest is not possible, so I am stuck with it, and cannot move on to other quests, and cannot make any more progress.


Well-Known Member
Hi MaelchiDarbren,

Please see the reply we just sent you in your support ticket with this same message. We understand that for this moment, you're stuck with the quest but the message that it's a duplicate of an earlier mentioned issue, is actually a good thing because it has already been forwarded to our developers for fixing. All we can and have to do now, is wait until that fix is implemented.

Remember, this is a Beta server, which means that we're here to test the game and its updates on any possible bugs and make sure that the developers can clean them out. So thank you very much for reporting your issue, as it's very helpful to us and thank you for your patience and understanding here!


have patience maelchi, I too have a quest that cannot be competed and they are working on it...you made your request now we wait until the bug is fixed. The moderator has done what was needed and the response was correct.


I have a quest...Produce 2 Luxury arm chairs....I am stuck as well...

Faults like these have caused 3 other Innogame products to fail before they even made it out of Beta. :(


We are all in the same boat so to speak. Some yell about it, most say nothing but it is still frustrating for everyone.

Tough to proceed in a quest structure if the option to cancel a current quest is not given....GRRRRRRRRRRRRR


The good thing is that it has been found and it will be corrected. By doing this testing, finding and correcting these errors others (including ourselves) can enjoy a better game when it does go live.

Just so you know, we are working on this issue. You will find the bug report for it here (click), so that you can track progress on it. We hope to have fixed it with our next update. Unless testing brings up more bugs, we should see it then. :)


The good thing is that it has been found and it will be corrected. By doing this testing, finding and correcting these errors others (including ourselves) can enjoy a better game when it does go live.


Well Innogames certainly benefits from our FREE bug testing.


Faults like these have caused 3 other Innogame products to fail before they even made it out of Beta. :(

Not in the slightest. Bugs are part of any game, even those runs by companies who are twice older and twice richer than Inno. What gets a project closed (those other Inno projects were closed as far as I'm aware, they didn't fail, there's a difference between the two) is a simple decision where during the testing period the company decides the resources that will be required to finalize and maintain the game for different markets and languages are too great in comparison to the interest shown in the game. To put it in simpler words, they see that the game might not do very successfully so instead of risking a failure they close the project early (or if the game has been around for a while and it feels it has run its course, then they close it since there's little point in keeping it around).

What you see as something bad done by the company is in fact a very smart move from their side. They send out surveys and do analysis of whether or not the players like the game, how much time they're spending on it, what aspects of it they like and what aspects they don't like, and based on all the info they collect they decide whether a project is appealing to the general public and seems promising enough to be continued. What you see and what you can access now (this beta community and the basics of the game) is just the root for a tree. If they see that people are interested in this type of trees, they will let it grow by adding more content and working on even more content (this means hiring more staff, spending more resources), and opening servers and communities for many other markets (this means hiring extra staff, doing translations, spending even more resources). But no, bugs (especially of this small type) have definitely not closed down a whole product.

As for the bugs themselves, they're obviously not pleasant for anyone, but this is beta and they're to be expected. Maybe in the future, as they've done with other products, they will offer premium currency for testing/reporting bugs. Till then, reporting a bug helps you as much as it helps them, because that bug will be fixed and you'll be able to continue playing without that bug.


Not a smart move AT ALL a rather very stupid decision to make a FAILED game that is so bug ridden then they expect their players to be the free bug testers. Prior there release they should have been thoroughly evaluated prior to making it available in a closed beta. So again they utterly failed to make a good game right from the concept stage, in fact they blew it right from the start-up phase. If the concept was GOOD from the start then all the wasted time, money and programming hours could have been saved. But all 3 were basically flawed. Then they released them into a closed Beta, then into open Beta.

So those failed enterprises were a disaster right from the get go. Or other wise they would still in existence.

If the concept was good, which it wasn't obviously was not then why spend so much time trying to fix something that was doomed to failure...So a TRIPLE failure. Hard part is then to take players money and then close them down wasting players good money and their time invested into a DOOMED project.:mad:

And in return you get to play their games FOR FREE :D


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Alright, let's get some things straight here:
  • Elvenar is currently in its Closed Beta phase, the Open Beta is yet to come;
  • Elvenar is indeed a free-to-play game, you can choose if you want to spend money on it or not - that is entirely up to you;
  • Elvenar is not "destined to fail" - not sure where you would have picked up that information, because, as far as we are concerned, everything is going quite alright;
  • Yes, Elvenar has bugs, like any game or other piece of software made by any company does;
  • No, we don't think of players as "free testers", but we do certainly appreciate your input regarding bugs (and everything else)!
As this discussion is quite far away from what it was originally about, we are locking this thread. Should you wish to discuss this further, or if you have any other questions, feel free to contact us via our support.