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Not a Bug Mobile collection works for FA quests


Well-Known Member
Game version: _v1.54-(c43fc24e3)-(master) (2018-05-03 16:12)_
Game world: _BETA_
Browser/IOS/Android + version: _Chrome latest_
Flash Player version: _latest_
Operating System: win 10__
Screen resolution: _n/a_
Account name: _soggyshorts_
Humans or Elves: _elf_

Reproducibility: _5_/5

Quest title: _recurring offer #3_

Current situation:
_can collect quest stuff on mobile_

Expected situation:
_quest stuff collected on mobile doesn't count_
The way it's supposed to work, is this:

Things should only count towards Mobile QLE quests when you perform them on Mobile. The Mobile QLE quests should also not be visible in the browser version. The things that should count towards FA quests should only count when you perform them in the Browser version. In this version, you won't see the mobile quests and things will not count towards the mobile quests either.

Reproduction Steps:
1. _cycle to an FA quest_
2. _Log in to mobile_
3. _collect stuff on mobile for quest_
4. _log in on browser_
5. _see quest is complete_
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Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

Sorry, my mistake. I double checked. The backend will have 6 quests open at the same time, the client will have only 4. So in the backend, things should indeed count towards all 6 open quests.


Well-Known Member
tbh, don't think it's a bug at all, since you anyway need log in via specific platform both to get quest and to finish it. And changing this behavior would cause only problems with failed quests to players with the only downside of being able to get relics for mobile-only QLE in tournaments on PC (but that should be fixed by bringing tourneys to mobile ;)).


Well-Known Member
this is in my eyes not a bug (i hope). this is how i did FA when i was on holiday. I set the right quests in puffin, and then i collect and reset production on the mobile. (too much possiblity to misclik on puffin for collecting or resetting so i dont like doing that there)