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Duplicate Missing missing streets.

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Today in the morning I got 2 quests in my repeatables, which demanded me to establish missing roads again.
I declined them because I didn't saw any missing roads. Just now harvesting my mabrle I got an internal error.
After relogging:

I had the not connected sign above the three marble manufactories that clearly are connected (one not in the picture because i moved it)
I tried to relocate one and set it back to place (screenshot), but when I try to set it back i get an internal error again.
I got plenty error since now trying to somehow fix it, one was really scary, because it was some kind of roleback: 3 manufactories were gone and the cyclone i sold above the temples was back, even though i had the 12 little marble manufactories and the cyclone simultaniously, just deleted it, to make space for further upgrades.... I'm damn scraed right now. :eek:

After a couple more internal error, i got the wierd semi rollback thing again:

Wierdest part now the one marble manufactorie in the second row is not connected to a road, but has no missing road sign.

A couple more errors and page refreshings later everything looks normal again (and hopefully stays that way), but the production of the three marble manufactories is still behind, like they were 2:35h not connected with streets.
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