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Missing items


Active Member
Has anyone had problems with items going missing or lost in your Inventory?
And how does a player prove they had them to Innos satisfaction???

And if you make an item in the Magic Academy like for instance Mage Multiplier but they fail to show up, how does one prove the unproveable?


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
How to prove:
Say you just crafted something and you collected it, theres 2 options:
1: it didn't up into your inventory, simple: just make ticket straight away and say you collected something, and it didnt show up in there. In logs we will be able to see a cost being deducted when you start a craft, or we will be able to see what was collected (including the vision vapor you got when collecting)
2: it did show up into your inventory, but a few days later you notice its suddenly gone, harder. You make a ticket straight away, explaining the item disappeared from your inventory, that you crafted hopefully not long ago so we can look that receiveing of the item in our logs. we chek if you actually got the item a few days ago and that you didnt use/disenchanted it yet.
If you suspect our logs would also remove items from itself, then there is no other choice then to just make a screenshot of the item in your inventory after you got it (with some kind of timestamp visible on the screenshot).

But being a programmer myself, I can assure you its pretty hard or work intensive to remove something from a database without there being any trace of it anywhere and it can almost always only be done by removing records manually. So the chances of our logs being wrong is pretty low (but not impossible).
Frankly i often have the same feeling about my bank account, "where did my money suddenly go to?", and only after carefully looking at my expenses i see my bank didn't steal from me but i actually spent it myself and forgot about it.
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Active Member
well it has happened yet again. One day I had alot of Unleased Units and another I have none...I had 11 Unleased, used 2 leaving me with NONE.
I suppose it would be a waste of time trying to convince Support as well. Had to buy my missing Fire phoenix artifacts last time 7 went missing.
I imagine the players are always wrong and the AI Elvenar is always correct.

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Hi @RugBug, if you did not do so already, please raise a ticket about this issue, and we can help you track down those missing items. We are unable to go into these details via the forum, due to privacy laws.