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Cannot reproduce Missing goods when visiting neighbors


For the past couple of days I noticed that when I visit certain neighbors that I receive coins only and NO goods. It only happens with with these same neighbors, with the rest there is no problem. I thought at first I was just missing it but when I checked again (seeing as how you can visit only once a day) it happened again with the same people. Kind of like some neighbors missing building.


You are aware that you only recieve Supplies if they help you back, not if only you are visiting them all the time?


Well-Known Member
Katzenprinz: maybe he is really talking about goods (as he has a Lighthouse Lvl 6) and not about supplies?


Ah ok, I didn't know that you can recieve Goods through a Lighthouse as I don't own this Wonder. Sorry about that. Though, he could have mentioned it at least. ^^


Sorry for the misunderstanding..I do have the wonder and know that I only get supplies if that player has visited me. This problem is on at least 2 servers. (USA and beta)..don't play the others so I'm not sure about them. On the US sever it is happening in reverse...I get the good /supplies but not the coins. It only happens on specific people and NOT the rest.
We've done some test but so far have been unable to reproduce this. If you have more information regarding this issue, please do share that, so that we can investigate further! :)


Well-Known Member
I believe the following screenshot is related to the issue above. Not exactly the same (below picture shows missing supplies instead of missing goods).
But i experienced missing goods as well. I just don't have a screenshot for that case right now. This happens rarely, i'd say 1/5.
Actually there aren't any missing goods or supplies. Just a display issue i guess. The floating boxes miss supplies, but the ones just below the top menu are ok.
