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Not a Bug Marble encounters freeze my game


At first i thought it was just my pc messing around, but i can't fight marble encounters, the screen freezes and i have to reload the game. I tested other encounters and they work just fine. Actually, they all work fine except the marble ones, and those are crucial to me :D


Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Hello Nosferatu, thanks for reporting this issue :)

I cannot so far reproduce this issue. Does the same thing happen in all marble provinces you can access or is it just one?


At this point i have only 1 marble province left, but all encounters inside it will freeze my game. I tried it again a minute ago, still the same issue.


This is odd I am having no problems with marble or any other provinces. We need to eliminate the basics first so can you first clear your browsers cache, and if that has no affect can you also try a different browser, thank you.