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Mana Decay


Got to say Mana Decay as a concept is fine, but how its being implemented makes no sense. For example, if I collect my mana 1 second before the Next Decay I lose the same amount of mana as if I sat on the mana for 24 hours. Is that even fair. I could understand if I lost mana that I haven't added to in 24 hours. If as i believe the intended goal is to get players to login more frequently, the latter method would accomplish this without penalizing regular players. As it stands this is a bad implementation of a good game mechanic.


Hello, I would add that it is already very long to get this mana and producers buildings so few, for the quantity required and the lack of space, it may be unnecessary to remove.
In addition to produce the goods woodelfes you ask again.
if you want to discourage players and keep you there without problems !!