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Not a Bug Making room for Magic - unable to complete the quest


2 days ago I accepted "Making room for Magic" quest, which demanded researching city expansion. I researched both available expansions but I cannot complete the quest.

What I expected to happen:
Quest should show up as completed after researching city expansion.

What actually happened:
No change in quest status.

How often has this happened:

Reproduction Steps:
I accepted the quest.
I researched one expansion but I was not able to complete the quest.
I researched the second expansion.
Game does not 'see' ony of researched expansions.

Player Name: Wolphy
World: Beta
Operating System: Windows 7
Browser and Version: Opera 28.0.1750.40
Flash Version:


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Hello Wolphy, thank you for reporting this. If you look a bit ahead on the research screen, two columns ahead of your Magic Dust Boost there is another research that provides an expansion. That is the city expansion the quest refers to. Thus it is possible to accomplish it, but it is a bit far ahead. I will follow up on this and make sure we have reported this quest as one that is received a bit too early.

Thank you again and apologies for any inconvenience.


Thank you, with 2 expansions on the way I would never think that it was the third one, I should research. :)