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Duplicate Mainhall shows wrong amount on bonus coins


Well-Known Member
Game version:V.1.26 (3c519b2) (2017-03-10 9:19)

Not sure if this issue is still reported

Game world: Beta1

Browser + version: GoogleChrome 55.0.2924.87 (64-bit)

Shockwave Flash Player version:

Operating System: Windows10 64Bit

Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080

Account name: Brummbaer

Humans or Elves: Elves

Issue: Mainhall shows wrong amount on bonus coins

Reproducibility: Mentioned multiple times

Quest title: none

Current situation: Mainhall shows wrong amount on bonus coins

Expected situation: Displayed bonus coins from received help increase

Addition information:

city graphics quality set to low/high

Reproduction Steps:

* mention issue on Mainhall

* reload game

* close game

* clear browser cache

* restart game

* close game

* change browser to Firefox

* clear browser cache

* Start game

* check again

* close game

* Start Bug Report