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Not a Bug Magical manufacturing Spell gives a 10% boost


Game version: __ v0.35.3-(c5f36cd) (2016-02-02 17:59)Game world: __ zz
Browser + version: __ Firefox for Mac v43.0.04
Flash Player version: __
Operating System: __ OS X Yosemite 10.10.5
Screen resolution: __ 1920 x 1200
Account name: __ NormaJeane
Humans or Elves: __ Human

Reproducibility: __ 5/5 = happens always

Quest title: __ (if applicable)

Current situation:
__ The Magical manufacturing Spell gives a ca. 10% boost on all tiers of goods manufacturies that I use the spell on.
The Magical manufacturing Spell gives a ca. 10% boost instead of a 50% boost.
Checked this on my human account on zz on all tiers.
Expected situation:
__ The Magical manufacturing Spell should give a 50% boost on all tiers of goods manufactories I cast the spell on.
Reproduction Steps
__ Cast the spell on any goods manufactory and compare the new amount of goods with the usual amount.
2. __
3. __
4. __
5. __
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The 50 % bonus are reckoned after our bonus of production of relics boosted or the 50 % are before reckoned as for the mountain hall?
Because if the 50 % come before our bonus that makes not at all the same thing and it is thus possible that it is only 10 %.
My spell will be ready only tomorrow evening, I was not thus able still to try.


Thx benroq!!!
I did the math and indeed the 50% is added to the bonus % one already has with relics, e.g. my bonus for magic dust is normally 402%, with the spell this % increases to 452 %...

Alas, this is NOT a bug!


Great team work! :) Will mark the thread as not a bug, though if anyone experiences additional issues please do let us know. Thanks!


So I guess the first spell will work before cultural bonuses?


@LordB: I'm not sure what you mean with the cultural bonuses....
The Magical manufacturing Spell will NOT increase your current production with 50% !

The Magical manufacturing Spell will only add to the % you have for boosted goods.
so if you have a 100% boost with relics, the spell will add 50% to the 100% = 150%

Hope I clarified this for you, if not, pls let me know.
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It was related to the power of provision spell. I didn't test it yet but with this behaviour for the manufactory spell i guess the 250% from the provision spell will be added to the cultural bonus and not multiplied.
Like 200 production x (1,25 cultural bonus + 2,5 spell) = 750
and not like
200 production x 1,25 cultural bonus x 2,5 spell = 625
Did someone test it already?