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Not a Bug Magic Academy Quest not declinable

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Game version: v1.2.6-(bf49611) (2016-03-31 11:43)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: Microsoft Edge 25.10586.0.0
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 10
Screen resolution: 2736 x 1824
Account name: Grace
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5

Quest title: The Magic Academy

Current situation:
There has been plenty of discussion on this server about the value (or lack thereof) of the Magic Academy. Why then is this quest non-declinable? I can't even build-then-delete the building, as it is also not delete-able. I'm now stuck with no ability to progress in the fairy storyline because of this - either I lose an expansion to a building that I have been actively stating I don't want and see no use for, or I lose the entire storyline.

Expected situation:
Make the quest declinable, OR make the building delete-able, OR please run the stats on players who have done the research and show us that the majority choose to build it AND use it.

Reproduction Steps
Sometime in the fairy storyline, the quest is not declinable.


Don't think this qualifies as a bug, more like an ideas or suggestions.
Same can be said about the barrack, don't want to build it and now I'm stuck with a non declinable quest since chapter I. :confused:


Hi Grace -

Good to see you around again. ;)

I am pretty sure this is intentional as the Magic Academy cannot be deleted and is a required building for progression on the tech tree. :)


We all think it is one of the biggest bugs from this update. And now the US players are screaming about it too. Could you consider this a bug and do what you can to rectify this? It would go a long way toward customer service. The people who were going to build this thing will happily do it under and conditions and the people who don't want will have an option.


This is a bug. Rationale:
There are only a few required buildings
1. Main hall - required to hold coins and workshop storage.
2. Builders hut - required to build things
3. Houses - I'd imagine you shouldn't be able to delete your last house
4. Manufactories - I'd imagine you shouldn't be able to delete your last manufactory.
5. Workshops - I'd imagine you can't delete your last workshop.

In all of the above cases, you really cannot play the game without the required building.

Barracks should not be required, though most of us find it useful - even the storyline acknowledges you can play the game without a barracks. So this is a bug.

Magic Academy not only isn't required to play the game, it's nearly useless.

So... this is a BUG according to the way the game is structured. Following the internal rules to the game would not assume this is a non-deletable building, OR this is a non-declineable quest.


Please fix.


I agree, it should be able to be declined. It is annoying when a game railroads you through. A game like this that is single player with neighbors for interaction should allow more freedom in how you construct your town.

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Hey folks! Thanks for your feedback :)
As this is the bug report section there is a possibility your feedback could get overlooked. If you did not already do so, please also take a look at
this feedback thread, and feel free to post there too :)

I'll lock this thread now to prevent any further feedback here where it might get overlooked
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