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Not a Bug Lost of all broken shards


Game version: 0.33.2886-9ae8686-(master) (2016-01-07 11:52)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: Firefox 43.0.4
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 7 (x64)
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Account name: Eligor
Humans or Elves: Elve

Reproducibility: 1/5

Quest title: NA

Current situation:
Lost all my broken shards on 3 ancient wonders (Crystak Lighthouse, Dwarven Bulwark, Moutain Halls). I don't remember exactly how many, but at least more than 5 on each wonder :-(

Expected situation:
Have my broken shards back !

Not sure of exactly when it happened, since I noticed that only today. Few days ago, I had 10 broken shards on Martial Monastery and decided to forge a new shard. I assume the bug happened at that time.

Reproduction Steps (assumed) :
1. Have 10 broken shards on Martial Monastery, and some broken shards on other wonders
2. Forge new shard on Martial Monastery
3. Maybe disconnect / reconnect ? Not sure ...
4. Look at broken shards on other wonders


Broken shards are gathered from all kinds of shards and are useable for all wonders, so if you used 10 broken shards to get a rune it is normal that the count is 0 in every wonder menu.


Really ? But in that case, should'n it be possible to forge a new rune as soon as you have a total of 10 available broken shards (gathered from all wonders). For me, the option to forge was only available on Martial Monastery, where I had 10 broken shards. And it used all broken shards, that is about 25 broken shards (10 on Martial Monastery and at least 5 on each other wonders) to forge a single rune, is it really the expected behaviour ?


It should behave like this:
Let's say you have 0 broken shards right now and a couple of shards for every wonder.
Insert some shards in the monastery and get 3 broken shards - counter 3 in every wonder
Switch to Lighthouse insert some shards there - get 2 broken shards - counter 5 in every wonder
Switch to Mtn Halls insert some shards there - get 5 broken shards - counter at 10 in every wonder
Use the 10 broken shards to get a rune - counter 0 in every wonder again.


OK, you're certainly right, and it means I didn't pay enough attention to that behaviour until now.

Finally, I understand that there are 2 good news for me:
1) I didn't loose any broken shard !
2) The actual behaviour (share of broken shards between wonders) is much more interesting than the one I had in mind ;)

Thanks you LordB for your explaination, and I suppose this thread can be closed now.


Well-Known Member
Hello Eligor,

broken rune shares are from ALL wonders! They were pooled, so it is impossible that you have different counts in your wonders.

Greetings Brummbaer
As explained above already, this is not a bug. Broken Shards are indeed not specific for a single Ancient Wonder. If anything else about this mechanic is unclear, please feel free to post a thread in the Questions and Help section of the forum. We're archiving this thread as it is not a bug. :)