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Not a Bug Logout during writing a letter


Active Member
In our merchantship is a bit of confusion about the new wonders. So I decided to write a general mail about it. After 3 sentences I was logged out because of expired session. Okay. logged in and tried again. THIS time I was logged out after 5 sentences with the same "Session expired".

a) Having just logged back in, my session could not have been expired again!
b) When you decide to log out even if one composes a letter at least the draft should be saved,

Needless to say I will now write the information to the chat and then try to copy and paste it into a letter so that I have not to compose it anew if the logout continues
When exactly did this happen? We did update the game within the last hour and for this all sessions indeed expire. Could it be that you were unlucky to write you message just at that moment?
Alright, thanks. We're fairly sure that it had to do with us updating the server earlier this morning. We cannot reproduce this anymore now.


Active Member
Okay, now I composed the letter for the third time and I could finish it ;-)
I vote for closing the thread.