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Not a Bug Level 16 Barracks upgrade instantly


Game version: v1.15.6
Game world: us3.elvenar.com
Browser: Chrome 53.0.2785.143
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 10
Screen resolution: 1280x800
Account name: holcombk
Species: Elves
Reproducibility: 2/5

Current situation: Barracks upgrade instantly when upgrading to level 16

Expected situation: Level 16 barracks should take 16h 39m.

Reproduction Steps:
1. Upgrade Barracks
2. The upgraded building changes shape and is not connected to a road.The construction doesn't start.
3. Connect the barracks to a road
4. Construction is complete


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your report. I have tested this myself and cannot reproduce it at the moment.

Does anyone else experience similar issues?


Well-Known Member
That would make sense indeed. I only don't get why it was posted today, since 1.15.6 is no longer on Beta. @holcombk : Was it an old report which you just posted today, or did you make a mistake in the game version?