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le reliquie


qualcuno potrebbe spiegarmi in italiano come funzionano le reliquie?
perchè alcune danno un incremento alla produzione ed altre pare non servano a nulla, grazie

someone could explain to me in Italian what to do with the relics?
because some give increased production and others are apparently not used for anything, thanks.

Edit by Goryn. Please be aware that the only language allowed on this forum is English. I have added an English translation to your post, but please post in English next time, thank you :)
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English, my friend, it's an important language and you should learn it.
But yea, some relics aren't used for anything. It's pretty straightforward.
Ma sì, alcune reliquie non sono utilizzati per qualsiasi cosa. E 'piuttosto semplice


Hi Rosy, if you contact me in private, I can explain that in italian language.
In the forum, you've to use english ;)


I know english, but there are some tecnical words I don't know. so I prefer spesck in italia, so I can undersatnd all
Thanks for the translation, but nobody said me to write in english


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I know english, but there are some tecnical words I don't know. so I prefer spesck in italia, so I can undersatnd all
Thanks for the translation, but nobody said me to write in english
That's a common rule for all International forums. You find it in the Rules. ;)


That's a common rule for all International forums. You find it in the Rules. ;)
Forum Rules said:
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