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Discussion InnoGames TV - April Episode


Well-Known Member
Dear Humans and Elves,

Please see our latest InnoGames TV episode here and let us know what you think about it!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Beta Team


Well-Known Member
It's not looking good- The April TV episode has Timon talking about the GA with specific examples of how much worse the GA is for players in chapters 1-4, but he's talking about it like it's a good thing....

Deleted User - 60107

Like I said in the other thread:
Yeah, that was really weird. First he mentioned how currently the GA gives a fixed 200 population at level 1, then he showed an example of a GA that gives 75 population at level, and how that increased to 77 population after starting an upgrade. And apparently we are supposed to be excited by the change because eventually, in the future, we will get to a point where the GA will be giving us 4000 population... Hello, Elvenar to Timon! Not everyone is that far into the game!

Prior to Fairies the GA is worse than before, especially if it is above level 1. I fail to see how this is in any way a good thing.


As for the buildings, they are fine. I got me a few orc-unit-generating buildings, I like them.

AWs: good idea, but I fear that by the time any relevant change reaches the live server, I'll be too old to notice.

As for the INNOGAMES TV: it would be good if it wasn't a month late.

Sir Squirrel

Well-Known Member
It is only a month late to us here on beta, for live they haven't see any of it yet! But not looking good for any changes to the GA, I guess they think we might not like it, but will learn to love it. I wish things wouldn't have to get worse before they get better!


Well-Known Member
I like the changes to the GA already. I am in fairies and have a level 6 GA. I can see that for the smaller cities it doesn't look like an improvement but the more working population you have the more benefit. I have a working pop of just over 23,000 and the GA is offering me 1036 which is a big leap. Players cities only get bigger, not smaller so its a good thing for all in the long term. I am looking forward to seeing what the other AW changes will be.:)

Sir Squirrel

Well-Known Member
I realize it will get better, the problem lies in the fact that it isn't worth getting at the time you research it as residences at that level produce more pop in the same space. Also for lower players that had them, we lost over 100 pop so we are in the negatives at the early levels where it is hard to get back. I lost 100 pop the day they "rebalanced" it and had to upgrade 6 residences just to get back out of the negative, and now after upgrading by barracks twice, my main hall 3 times and adding two more planks manufactories and leveling them to max I am still only getting 147 pop, before it gave 200.


Well-Known Member
I can see that for the smaller cities it doesn't look like an improvement but the more working population you have the more benefit. I have a working pop of just over 23,000 and the GA is offering me 1036 which is a big leap. Players cities only get bigger, not smaller so its a good thing for all in the long term.
For any player in chapters 2-4 it is a significant loss of population at ANY level of GA. Only somewhere during chapter 5 (3 chapters after you get the GA) does it start to break even with the old way.

Late game there is indeed an increase, and a nice one. But for players not there yet, getting to the late game just got harder. I expect thousands of players on the live servers will go into an immediate negative population situation that is quite hard to get out of when you are that small. Losing 300-400 population when your max level houses only hold 100 will hurt a lot, and I see players looking at that deficit and quitting rather than slogging through just to get back where they were.

@Gandolfus I'm sorry I didn't realize just how drastic the changes were for early era players, now that I've looked at the info I see just how bad a change this will be for much of the playerbase.


ty for that Soggy, I have just now managed to get back to where I was when I got re-balanced