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Not a Bug Inappropriate quest

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As soon as I completed the Dwarven Hall tech in the tech tree, the next quest I was given was "research Golem Promotion 2". I naturally declined this quest because it will be days if not weeks before I get to that. I still have to do the Squad Size Upgrade and then the Upgraded Armory. It takes 90,000 granite and 2450 copper before I can complete those quests, which takes days and days if not weeks.

As soon as I declined the Golem Promotion 2 quest I was given a quest to create a certain amount of Golems. I naturally declined this quest as well, for the reasons above.

After I had cycled through the quests I realized those two quests were one and done quests. They do not appear again once you decline them.

It is silly to sit there for a week or longer while a person has to do the things before they can reach these quests. These quests should be moved to attach to some other action besides completing the Hall.


Dear @Bobbykitty,
Not all declinable quests are repeatable. Also, the point of quests is not to finish them in minutes, but in a longer period of time instead. On the other hand, we handle all feedback and suggestion seriously, and forward them if needed. However, this is not considered as a bug, the quest is not repeatable, but declinable.


I don't think you are understanding. This quest showing up when it does means that this quest cannot be finished for weeks or maybe even longer. That is a bug. Here it is four days later and I am no closer to completing that quest than when I got it. This quest should be given at a later time. Whoever set this quest to appear when it does made a mistake. It needs to be corrected.

Think about it...would a quest that says:

Gain 90,000 granite and 2450 copper make any sense at all? Obviously not.

It is easy enough to decline it so it isn't a big deal, but it shouldn't be where it is.
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Again: Quests are not designed on a way so players can complete them in under a few minutes. Instead, they are here to give some challenge. What is fun about quests that are easy to complete? ;)


This quest in this placement is clearly misplaced and demands 11 times more goods than any other quest. Whoever placed it here made an error. The only people who will bother with it are people who will be a great disadvantage to those that decline it. Their own games will be greatly harmed by having one quest so out of whack with all the others.

What makes you think this quest is an appropriate "challenge"? If I complete it, I lose out on all other quests for weeks. If I skip it, I get to complete tons of other quests in that time. Not one quest has ever been so greatly out of line. The benefit is no different than other quests yet the demand is ELEVEN times the requirement of another quest with a similar payoff.

The quest is declinable so only foolish and uninformed Elvenar players will be trapped by it.

All the other "one and done" quests pop up in appropriate times. This one does not. It appears too early.

Quests are not designed on a way so players can complete them in under a few minutes.
Neither are they designed to take more than a week to complete.

Why does it always have to be such a fight to give you all feedback? Any player worth his salt knows this quest is stupid and misplaced. One look at it doesn't invoke excitement, it invokes frustration with the developers who don't seem to understand this game at all. It is the kind of thing that will make customers unhappy. No one will find this quest enjoyable.

Do what you want. I don't care to try to explain the most basic game play any longer.
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The quest works as intended. If you would like to see this intended behavior change, please let us know in the Ideas and Suggestions forum, or by creating a discussion thread for it in the General Discussion forum. We cannot process it as a bug report, as it is not a bug. :)


The quest works as intended.

How do you know this is how this particular quest was intended? You have one quest that says Gain 8000 granite and then this one that says Gain 90,000 granite and Gain 2450 copper? That is way out of line. Put another way you have quest after quest than can be done in a few hours and then you put one in there that takes weeks with a similar payoff, how can you not understand this is a mistake? I don't understand what you don't understand. Don't you play this game? Because yeah...do this thing for 3 hours, do this thing for 3 hours, do this thing for 3 hours, do this thing for 2 hours, do this thing for 3 hours, and do this thing for 100 hours...yeah...that makes sense? Remember Sesame Street....one of these things is not like the others? Take out the thing that is not like the others. Yes, it is a bug. It is a mistake. An error. A boo boo. The quest is given too early and that needs to be fixed.

Or are you the developer and you meant to throw in one quest that not one player in his right mind would bother with it? You intended to make customers irritated? That seems like an odd goal.

If you are the developer, then listen to your players when we tell you that you messed up the placement of this quest.

If you aren't the developer, then inform the developer that they have made an error. Let them know that they insert this quest too early.

If this is how the developers intended it, and you know this because they told you, and they don't care that the players think this is stupid, then tsk tsk. They are too arrogant to be successful.

I told you already, I am not going to fight you in order to do my job as a beta tester. If you don't want to hear feedback, then I will happily stop giving you any. If you do want to hear feedback, then say "thank you" instead of arguing.
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As said in my previous post, this is not the place for this discussion:
If you would like to see this intended behavior change, please let us know in the Ideas and Suggestions forum, or by creating a discussion thread for it in the General Discussion forum. We cannot process it as a bug report, as it is not a bug. :)

We will now lock this thread for further replies.
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