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Other Ideas and suggestions sub-forums


The Ideas and suggestions forum is growing too fast in my opinion, and as a consequence the number of duplicates will increase since you can't expect one to read everything before posting. Isn't it time to create sub-forums before it gets out of control ? It could be divided by screens (city, research, world map, battle field, etc.) or by functionalities (battle, neighbor help, commerce, etc.) or anything else convenient (prefix tag ?) as long as there is a good balance in terms of number of posts between sub-(sub-)forums so that we can easily know if a suggestion has already been made.


Thanks for the feedback! As we've heard that there are too many dublicates on the first page of the Ideas Forum from other players as well, we've now made an Archive. In the future, both Duplicate and Implemented ideas will be moved to this Archive.

To organise the rest of the ideas, we use prefixes, e.g. "Battle", "City" and "Communication". The prefixes are explained in this thread (click). When you click on a prefix, a list of threads with the selected prefix will show. This way, you can easily search if your idea has already been suggested. An overview of the suggested ideas per prefix is given by Hoshi in this thread (click).
Another way to search through the threads is by using the search box at the top right of the forum.

We hope you'll find the forum more organised when the dublicates are archived. :) (There'll be a redirect for one day.)
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