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Answered How to do the fighting?


Hello @all,
sorry if the question already exists, I didn't find it.
I'm losing all my fights... where's the mistake?
Is there any tutorial how to do the fighting?
I take as much archers and sword dancers as I can and use the "finish automatically" button.
I'm always deafeated... :(
Thank you for your help.

The (blonde) Paula


There is no tutorial for fighting i think. The 2 elvish warriors seem to be less strong than the 2 human ones. I never use the automatic finish option, i fight myself. It depends on what enemy your fighting. Some can be a real pain in the ass, like steinlings and mortars( i hate those more than anything). Always check your enemies weakness to determine which of your 2 fighters you should bring into battle the most, and sometimes you only need 1 of 2. Cerberus for example has a defense bonus against ranged attackers, so archers are useless.

ThePhantom made a list of enemies you encouter, including their strenghts and weaknesses, you can check it here http://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/encounters-guide.488/#post-2704


That's great, thank you very much, I lerned by viewing the link that I can surrender without a penalty. That helps a lot...


Yes you can. I do that whenever i enter an encounter and my army isn't placed the way it should be when i look at the terrain.