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Other Historic stats & trending


Interesting that no one has done an 'intel' or 'stats' site for the game yet. It would be very helpful to see trending info for:
- Player rank & points
- Fellowship rank & points & # members
- Player history of fellowship membership

There are probably other things which I'm missing. This isn't necessarily information that belongs in the game itself, but an adjacent stats or intel site would ideally provide this. If I'm recruiting, seeing that a player has been in 8 fellowships is a warning sign. Or seeing that a player is rising quickly in points is a good sign. If I were looking for a new fellowship, checking out a fellowship that I might want to join could be more interesting with some historic trendlines to give me context.

So... I can't program. Who can, and is the data available through API or whatever?


It would likely require manual entry. But it would have been interesting!


I would hope not bobbi! I'd think there must be an API somewhere that would be accessible.