We are a friendly fellowship. We believe in Fair Trade and encourage Daily activity, though it’s not required. We want our members to enjoy the game and have fun. Neighborly Help is essential to growth, which is why daily activity is encouraged.
Chatting is highly encouraged and some of our members have become good friends.
We currently have 2 players that have become inactive and are looking to replace them plus we have one opening anyway. Currently 24 members.
We are looking for established players with a minimum score of 7,000. But more importantly is a commitment to activity of at least 4 times per week.
If you want to apply message me directly. If you are currently in a Fellowship, you will have to leave that Fellowship before we can invite you.
Chatting is highly encouraged and some of our members have become good friends.
We currently have 2 players that have become inactive and are looking to replace them plus we have one opening anyway. Currently 24 members.
We are looking for established players with a minimum score of 7,000. But more importantly is a commitment to activity of at least 4 times per week.
If you want to apply message me directly. If you are currently in a Fellowship, you will have to leave that Fellowship before we can invite you.