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Duplicate Have one rally point quest doesn't finish if you already have 2

  • Thread starter DeletedUser1513
  • Start date
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Game version: v1.12.4-(f3617cd) (2016-08-08 9:41)
Game world: __beta
Browser + version: __chrome
Flash Player version: __22.0.0.°209
Operating System: __WIndows 7
Screen resolution: __NA
Account name: __Jouchka
Humans or Elves: __Elves

Reproducibility: __1/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: __ adventureful destruction(if applicable)

Current situation:
__Quest asks for 1 rallypoint, while the progress indicator shows (2/3)
looks inverse of of the bug that has been reported to have 3 rallypoints, but only requiring 1

Expected situation:
__If one rallypoint is requested the quest shall auto complete if you already have 2

Reproduction Steps
__ get quest
2. __ have 2 rallypoints
3. __ see that the progressindicator shows 2/3 instead of 1/1
4. __
5. __

Add more steps if needed. Include only ONE action for each step!

Screenshots of the bug:
(add as many screenshots as you need)


I have exactly the same problem : 2 rally points already, the quest says "at least 1 rally point", and the indicator shows 2/3


Ater building a 3th rally point the quest closed, but as a result my population is currently -2200!
Terrible that you have to canabilize your soo much to close a quest!


I have the exact same problem, but I cannot just "build a third" rally point.

Don´t know any player who even has the space to build three rally points.
Besides for "just" 90.000 coins this is asking too much!
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