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Cannot reproduce harvest-icons (coins) sometimes don't respond


Game version: __v1.30-(a1a1f5130) (2017-05-16 11:59)
Game world: __ beta1
Browser + version: __ firefox 53.0.2
Flash Player version: __
Operating System: __ win 10 1607
Screen resolution: __ full HD
Account name: __ juni
Humans or Elves: __ elves

Reproducibility: 3/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: __ (if applicable)

Current situation:
__ sometimes, the buildings with coin-symbols don't respond to clicking.
Expected situation:
__ they should be harvestable all the time (unless storage is full.

Reproduction Steps
__ have some residencies with a coin-symbol (ready to harvest)
2. __ try to harvest by clicking one and moving the clicked mouse over the others.
3. __ sometimes the system stops responding, and harvest-ready buildings can't be harvested, even after multiple clicks.
4. __ a reload fixes it.
5. __

if may also happen with workshops or even goods buildings. once it happened with coins, other harvestable buildings aren't harvestable anymore aswell. as already mentioned, a reload fixes it.


Well-Known Member
So far we haven't been able to reproduce this behaviour. Should anyone else experience these issues as well, please let us know or please provide us with more accurate reproduction steps. :)