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Duplicate Grafting site display error


Well-Known Member
Game version: _v1.40-(6e6aafb7a) (2017-09-28 9:17)
Game world: _Beta_
Browser/IOS/Android + version: _Chrome latest
Flash Player version: _Latest_
Operating System: _Win 10_
Screen resolution: _1980*1020_
Account name: _SoggyShorts_
Humans or Elves: _Elf_

Reproducibility: _5_/5
Current situation:
_Grafting site Detail shows only "???/???"_

Expected situation:
_Should show details and timer etc_

Reproduction Steps:
1. _Start 9h production_
2. _open details_

Screenshots of the bug:

I've refreshed a couple times, no change.
Edit: Just tried EDGE browser, same issue.
EDIT2: Just tried a different computer and OPERA browser, also same issue.
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