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Cannot reproduce Gems tournament displays wrong text and graphics


Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.23.4-(785f9e5) (2017-02-09 10:50)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: Mozilla Firefox
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 7 home premium
Screen resolution: 1366 x 768
Account name: Elderflower
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5

Quest title: __ (if applicable)

Current situation: New tournament is showing the wrong text and graphics. The display is the same as for completing encounters in the usual way of acquiring relics and provinces.

Expected situation: Text and graphics should be related to competing in or catering for a tournament.

Reproduction Steps

1 Enter tournament by clicking on the tent icon at the bottom of the map
gems tournament error.jpg


Well-Known Member
I just completed one province and went to get the second and this has come up blank with no encounters visible at all.gems tournament error 2.jpg

Ok after waiting a while I was able to see the second province properly and this one has the correct text and graphics as well
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Everything seems to be as normal now so I guess this was just a temporary glitch at the very start of the tournament and it has now been fixed.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for letting us know Elderflower. We haven't been able to reproduce this ourselves either. Is there anyone else with similar experiences?


Well-Known Member
Since there are no other reports, I'll archive this thread now. Should anyone else have similar issues, please let us know :)


Well-Known Member
Ok. Having said that all was now well I have just completed another tournament in another province - also at the first level - which displayed the same mix of Tournament and Encounter notifications. I attach thumbnails of the tournament.
gems tournament error 3.jpg gems tournament error 4.jpg gems tournament error 5.jpg


Well-Known Member
I bookparked this page last week because I could confirm it but had no proof, I also had a suspicion but could not reproduce it.(because round 2 was already over)
This week I experience it again, and as I suspected only the first province of the second round of the tournament.

Unfortunatly it doesnt happen on all accounts so I can't tell what the trigger is only that similar like last week again round 2.


You can clearly see the flag with the tournament score missing in the top left corner and instead has my avater listed there.


Well-Known Member
This problem has recurred in the current (Crystal) tournament. I haven't been paying attention so don't know when it started but I found it this morning in the first round of the eighth province.


  • crystal tournament error 1.jpg
    crystal tournament error 1.jpg
    87.9 KB · Views: 155
  • crystal tournament error 2.jpg
    crystal tournament error 2.jpg
    89.6 KB · Views: 161


Well-Known Member
Recurred in the sixth and final round of a tournament province.silk tournament error 1.jpg silk tournament error 2.jpg
I don't know if it only happens to me or if it is just that other people don't notice. I don't always notice until it has happened a few times.


Well-Known Member
I started on the latest tournament immediately it became available and noticed that this bug recurred in the first province.
tournament error 1.jpg tournament error 2.jpg
When I went to the second province I was faced with a blank province with no encounters available.
tournament error 3.jpg
I am assuming this all happened because the tournament had just started. I logged out and waited half an hour and then was able to complete the second and subsequent provinces without incident and with the correct text and graphics.


Well-Known Member
No I didn't get a stream error.
I noticed the same error, of mixing tournament graphics with Province encounter text, today when I did a sixth province for the second time. But other tournament provinces were as normal. It is very erratic and I have no idea how to reproduce it so can only report when it occurs. And no one else seems to experience it which is very odd.


Well-Known Member
This error recurred at the start of the current marble tournament.
The first tournament showed the text and graphics for an encounter.
marble tournament error 1.jpg marble tournament error 2.jpg
I then went to the next encounter and it showed the same error.
marble tournament error 3.jpg I exited that without completing it and returned to the World map which showed the first tournament encounter I had completed as if I had completed one encounter in a province in the usual way.
marble tournament error 4.jpg
So I quit the World map and returned to my city. Then went back to the map and the province I had started. This time everything was as it ought to be for a tournament.
marble tournament error 5.jpg
What I didn't realise at the time was that the first time I clicked into a tournament province and got the wrong text and graphics, the 4 encounters were laid out in a different pattern from the same province when it was showing the correct text etc for a tournament.
Next time this happens to me I will try and remember to take a picture of that pattern as well.
Don't know if any of this is useful.


King of Bugs
the 4 encounters were laid out in a different pattern
Ye that is a sign for me that bug happened without checking text
Do you remember how you started?
Have you been in a game longer before tournament started or you just logged shortly before tournament start?
Have you been in a world map when tournament started or in a city?
If you has been in a world map were you close to your city or on the edges of your discovered map?


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid I hadn't noticed these things on the previous occasions. This time it was the very first province which was right next to my city. I was in the world map when the tournament started this time but I think I was in my city last time this all happened. And I had been logged in for about half an hour before the tournament started. I did start the tournament immediately the notification appeared for the start of the tournament. Maybe if I had waited a few minutes it would have been different.


Ok. Thank you for the info Enderflower. But I will look for this issue during current tournament, before I move this back to fixed.


I'm moving this thread back to archive. We were not able to reproduce it.
Now I play tournaments like zombie, staring at words in green fields, is it cater or negotiate, so if I notice 'cater' there I'll put this back under investigation.


King of Bugs
it did happened to me on live in versioon 1.33 tho yesterday, i know how to reproduce it but since i can fix it pretty fast afterwards not a big prio for me (wanted to record it and make a video)
i also think it will go down to performance category