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Duplicate Game does not remember zoom when visiting others

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Game version: 0.22.136-c4d3af7-(master) (2015-08-04 13:28)
Game world: zz1 - beta
Browser + version: firefox 39.0
Flash Player version:
Operating System: windows 8.1
Screen resolution: 1366x768
Account name: Tintagel
Humans or Elves: human
Hardware Acceleration: BOTH

Reproducibility: 5/5 (= happens always)

Current situation:
Game's default setting is zoom-in, but I usually play in zoomed-out mode as it gives me a better over-view. Before the latest update, this setting would be remembered when visiting others and going back to my own city, but now the setting is returned to default each time.
Tested, and it happens both with hardware accelleration on and off.
Tested, and it happens both via the map, and via the rankings.

Expected situation:
The game to remember the zoom-mode while visiting others and returning to my village.

Reproduction Steps:
1. start the game, notice default is zoom-in (close-up)
2. zoom out
3. visit someone else and notice that you're back in zoom-in mode
4. zoom out
5. visit someone else OR return to your own village, notice you're once again back in zoom-in mode
6. etc.


Same problem with Chrome on Linux.
When you leave the search screen, the bug also exists.
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