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Game balance


Just a short feedback on balancing:
I am actually researching magic dust (tier 2) boost. The next technology to build something new or upgrade something is at least 150 KP away. Encounters are to expensive or to hard to fight with 72 squad size in the 6th and 7th ring. ALL my buildings are fully upgraded. So there is actually nothing to do over the weekend except training troops and collecting KPs.
Perhaps the research tree needs a realignment as many other players suggested in several threads. After my actual period of waiting there are 3 or 4 new things coming in a row to build or upgrade, so that the missing goods will be the next thing to deal with....this should be "stretched" a bit I think.


You think its bad now wait later on, i have encounters 10-15x my size :D

I have tens of thousands of units atm and nothing to use them on :D


I can imagine, Khebeln. I've read your comments on that issues. I am aware that the problems will not become smaller with further progress. I just wanted to give a small feedback for early/midgame play. Developers should keep an eye on that because not every player will come back to the game when there is nothing to do for days other than collect.
For your late game/endgame problems I have no solution because I am short on experience but the early/mid game problem could be solved with a small realignment of the tech tree.


You're absolutely right Bernardus, fighting is way too hard, but many of us have already discussed this in other threads. All we can do is hope the devs will do something about it. Regarding the tech tree, as a human i have no idea what yours looks like, but the human one is pretty balanced i think.


wasn't the point of the TO, to discuss stretching the researchtree?
+1 from me

For example: I don't like, that I always HAVE TO research all 3 goods to get the way to the next research.
In another thread I deplored the fact, that the way through the researchtree is to restricted, you do have no really choices but need to do all researches to get further

Why not change the researchtree-ways to give oportunity to go my way through squad-upgrade and army-promotion straight(er) away.
That would solve some to difficult fightings eather.


I agree that some realignment of the researches on the tech tree would be good. One thing that bugs me is that there are very little "optional" researches (ones that go to a dead-end so you don't have to research them if you don't want them), yet all 3 goods buildings per tier are a must. I don't need to research all 3 goods buildings. If someone finds it necessary or wants to play that way, they should have that choice. But it shouldn't be pushed on a player to research all goods buildings if they don't want the other goods buildings.


I would suggest to change the needed goods for reasearches to those which are your boosted goods, but that would make the market almost unnecessary.


I agree that some realignment of the researches on the tech tree would be good. One thing that bugs me is that there are very little "optional" researches (ones that go to a dead-end so you don't have to research them if you don't want them), yet all 3 goods buildings per tier are a must. I don't need to research all 3 goods buildings. If someone finds it necessary or wants to play that way, they should have that choice. But it shouldn't be pushed on a player to research all goods buildings if they don't want the other goods buildings.

Sadly this is also the case with quests.. A week ago I had the quest that had to do with marble manufactories while I have planks boosted :/ Couldn't cancel/delete the quest so I had to build and upgrade amarble manufactory for it :(


Now that I have reached the level of needing scrolls, crystal and silk the game has virtually stopped dead for me. I boosted my scrolls production, I have two manufactories at nearly max, and no one in my area is trading silk or crystal. For just one research tree item I need 1480 crystal and silks. I have to buy them all from the wholesaler. At 5 times the trade to my scrolls, that means I need 7400 scrolls for ONE research tree box. That seems incredibly excessive. Too excessive. Players will get bored and leave.


Players will get bored and leave.
Only if this level of inactive players persists, which shouldn't be the case. :) I'm hoping once some "merging" (or whatever it will be called) exists and players are shifted around, we won't have any issue with trading.


If you cannot sell your Goods you can still build the other manufactories, too. I did so and it works so far.


Battles are way to hard.
You spend the whole week building units, only to get all of them killed in less then one map.
The mortar unit for example can take out a whole unit of melee soldiers in one attack, from huge range.
They are also strong against ranged so you cant kill them quick with archers. They can take out your whole army alone.

And you need to unlock 6+ maps pretty soon to unlock one expansion.
Thats like 2 months of work for 1 expansion.


An equivalent of Legendary Buildings as we know them in Forge of Empires could solve the problem of wasted KPs.