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Answered Flavor Loot for SoJ quest

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 101740
  • Start date

Deleted User - 101740

Can someone explain where I'm supposed to get 3 packages of something called "Flavor Loot" for a SoJ quest please?


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Well-Known Member
You can get them in current event with 10-20% chance from most offers which worth fulfilling.

Dorfl the Clay

Well-Known Member
You can get them in current event with 10-20% chance from most offers which worth fulfilling.
I don't know where you get that percentage from, but in my experience it is a lot smaller.. I have used quite a few chef's hats (am in the gold league now), but so far have gained 2 Flavor loots (in one go).. I would estimate the chance of winning any is approx 0-5% at best.. therefor (in my opnion) it shouldn't be a requirement in Season quests at all!

Deleted User - 101740

You can get them in current event with 10-20% chance from most offers which worth fulfilling.
I didn't see any recipe with a 20% chance, only 10% chance of winning 2 packages on 3 or 4 star recipes and only 2% chance of winning 1 on 1 star recipes. Someone with better math ability than me can calculate my chances of gaining enough packets in time to complete the quest.
I'm thinking my chances fall somewhere close to a snowball's chance in hell.

Perhaps the next quest from SoJ will require me to win a MR in the Spire too?


Well-Known Member
I have used quite a few chef's hats (am in the gold league now), but so far have gained 2 Flavor loots (in one go)..
I've got 4 out of 41 stars I have now. That's the matter of which offers you fulfill and how much RNG hates you.
I didn't see any recipe with a 20% chance
There is one group of offers with 20%, far from best one, though.

Someone with better math ability than me can calculate my chances of gaining enough packets in time to complete the quest.
Knowing that such quest exists changes the strategy from "open all Loots as soon as you get them" to " have 3 Loots in stock and use them on last week of event" for those who want all SoJ weeklies to be completed (+ there are 2 rerolls per week too).