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Answered fixed "gain x/y supplies/coins" quest


Hi there,
the named issue has been fixed so that you cannot solve the quest by cancelling upgrades etc. - good

But it seems that it is now fixed for everything even though you gain coins through another quest. Actually I have a quest to gain coins. 5000 coins out of a quest reward are not counted. Only my housing income counts.

The headline of the quest window is "Taxes" - is this the hint and therefor intended or now a new bug coming with the fix?

Edit: Rewards from helping neighbours count as well


I believe this is the intended behavior, so quest rewards and aborted upgrades don't work, only those incomes that you actually worked for.


Muf-Muf said:
(0.10 Release Notes)
Exploits that allowed the player to complete certain quests are no longer usable
I believe Muf-Muf meant some of these quests. But I'm not entirely sure.
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