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Answered Finished provinces


I was wondering what's gonna happen to all the provinces which I successfully conquered and which I can still enter but without having anything to do in there?

Are there any plans yet?


Maybe random bandit attacks, which they can take province back from you if you don't defend your province in time.
If you win, you get rewarded. If not, you lost the provience. Though, they may add some negative side effects to your city like culture drop, decrease in production etc. until you conquer that province again. "A quick idea" :)


Thanks for the question Katzenprinz. You've gotten us thinking about what to do with the already conquered provinces. We would like to ask you (and all other players) for your ideas. What would you like to do with those provinces? Basar already gives a possible idea: the province could be conquered back by the NPC's. Another idea concerning trading posts has been proposed in this thread (click). Please post all ideas (and of course, your support of the ideas) in the Ideas and Suggestions Forum (click)! :)


Thanks for the answer, Lauwi. I will check the ideas section and see what I can come up with. :)


I would like to suggest that the province gradually replenishes itself,
as there are obviously people there, who have supposedly found those
relics and had them for sale in the first place , lol. Perhaps a timer
system , up to devs how long, for each of the 8 to 'replenish'
as the people who live there once again provide them.