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Fight question: Sorc III vs Mage


All things equal: squad size, no previous hits / damage / spells...in fact, opening 2 moves of Tournament play:

Why would my one squad of Sorc III's kill all 30 Mages, and the next immediate Sorc III's leave 12 Mages standing?


The damage they do is still somewhat random. E.g. 1 priest III does 5-45 damage. Which means that a single priest may do 5 damage one round, but 45 damage the next. This is similar for other troops and can make rather large difference, as you have experienced.


Well, blow me over! All those percentages and statistics and discussion over predicting unit behavior...for what? random outcomes?

All along I've been thinking that, when others report fight outcomes I can't match, that I must be really missing something. But I'm not necessarily stupid, just unlucky.


From the Wiki: A Sorceress III does 18-33 points of damage.
Since the damage range is a fixed percentage for any given unit type and all bonuses are also percentages, I prefer to read this as:
A Sorceress III does 25 points of damage, with a range of +/- 30%.
A squad of 30 Sorceress III does 30 x 25 = 750 points of damage, with that same range of +/- 30%. This shows in game as 525 - 975 damage.
You were facing a squad of 30 Priest (Priest II or Priest III have too high HP to be killed in one hit by a Sorceress III team of equal size).
A Priest has 30 HP so an amount of 525 - 975 damage dealt by the Sorceress III team would kill off 17 - 32 Priests, resulting in 13 - 0 survivors.