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Fight auto


from my experience with FoE, Innogames developers are not very good at AI design ;)
yesterday I clicked the auto-fight button by mistake ... and won :p
now I agree with the comments above : this auto-fight button is not a feature, it is an error, and one that can have terrible consequences to boot.
it would be better to remove it altogether.


I too fell into that trap and didn't even realize why for a while. I thought the game was just broken! I totally agree with a confirmation screen! At least the old way, when I went into a battle to auto fight I could watch the battle and learn something, this way, just POOF....bye bye more troops than necessary. No chance to surrender. Just half a day's training out the window.



I'd prefer if the button was moved elsewhere and possibly minimized/made smaller. I don't want a confirmation button because it'd still be annoying to click on there, cancel confirmation, and go use the fight button. It prevents unit loss, yes, but if this is going to be fixed then I'd rather have a smoother fix. Leave that whole bottom row just for the 'fight' button.


Yeah i think it would do the trick if the "Fight" button was centered as before and the "Auto fight" button would be on the very right side.


Oh ******. Please do make a change quickly here guys, I lost about 30 hours worth of units in training time with 3 quick wrong clicks these 2 days..
I don't get frustrated easily but if you spend so much time waiting for your units to be finished and you lose them with 1 wrong click because things changed a little it gets to you big time.

A confirmation message will do, but I guess the problem arises from the fact that when you click "fight" the first time, before you assign your units and get to the army screen the "auto-fight" button is in the place where the "fight" button was in the first screen.