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Discussion Fellowship Adventures

Egwene al Vere

Well-Known Member
Ooooh so a "stage" is'nt the 3-colored waypoints?

The different paths, if we take the first green waypoint, will we then be locked at green, until one of the 3-colored waypoints?

And for the big reward, do we have to clear all blue? Or blue, green AND orange?

Stages? When we clear what we can see now, we will unlock a new stage/map?

Sorry, but all of those new terms really confuses me.
You should have made a dictionary :p
"Picture of waypoint" This is a waypoint
"Stage" - stage means xxxx and so on :p

(I really hope that I'm not the only one, that is a bit confused :eek: )
You can do any 1 of the 3 paths and then collect the chest to move on to the next stage. Stage 2 you can do again any of the 3 paths (which is ever is the easiest usually) and then once done the members that have that ability collect the 2nd chest and so on. Sometimes teams that dont want to do the 4th stage, aka the pit, do all 3 paths in the last stage for points and then collect the 3rd chest. It is a fellowship decision and depends on what is the easiest to do for all


Well-Known Member
Here is our Fellowship Adventures Note with prizes and stage information, which will be updated as the event progresses:

You are welcome to share this with friends and fellowship who do not play in Beta.


The Prizes:


Stage One
* Ancient Knowledge 10
* Carting Library
* 10 x Booster 10 min

Stage Two
* 2 x Ancient Knowledge 15
* Moon Bear Artifact
* 20 x Booster 15 min

Stage Three
* Ferris Wheel Galore
* Moon Bear Artifact
* 30 x Booster 30 min

Here are the per chapter values for Ferris Wheel Galore: https://www.elvenarchitect.com/buildings/details/a_evt_generic_ferris_wheel/
Here are the per chapter values for Carting Library: https://www.elvenarchitect.com/buildings/details/a_evt_expiring_refundtech/

There are no changes to the Stage One waypoints compared to the last FA



My team is pretty happy with the time reducers as prizes in this round of Adventures. :)


Well-Known Member
As usual, NOT A SINGLE point of feedback implemented in the 'changes'.

INNO-developers; START 'LISTENING', because FA is not getting better at all!


Well-Known Member
WHY oh WHY is it so hard to make the 'plus' and 'minus' work properly when I want to add badges? It still goes from eg 1to 4 to 5 or from 5 to 4 to 0 or so.........

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
WHY oh WHY is it so hard to make the 'plus' and 'minus' work properly when I want to add badges? It still goes from eg 1to 4 to 5 or from 5 to 4 to 0 or so.........

Just use the "Max" button and it will automatically put in your badges. It will not use diamonds, in case you were worried about that.


Well-Known Member
An extra day has been added to this FA in the Live Worlds, to end now on Monday 12th October 2020.
This change was made so the design team could be available in normal work hours when the FA ends. One does not want the game to freeze up on a Sunday when there is no one to fix it; I understand that.

This is IMHO a REALLY bad decision!
Already the top fellowships are reaching the Bottomless Pit with several days of just plonk-plonk-plonking of Items to keep their ranking position - this requires one to be tied to the computer most of the day, and with an overload of FA’s already, this is really just more of what we don’t need!

It would be better, I think, to start the FA a day later on a Tuesday rather than a Monday, to coincide with the Tournament, which we need to make Magic Items.

Please forward this comment to the design team - even though it refers to servers other than Beta.
They ought to bear this in mind for the FA's that follow...



Well-Known Member
@Jackluyt Please keep Live situations on the Live forums. As we are in a completely different process, Beta is not the place to discuss Live issues. Thank you.

Yes, I know that. However there is a story that is often repeated that designers listen more to the opinions posted on Beta than the other Forums and that is why I posted it here, as well as on EN and US.
Also, it may be relevant to the NEXT FA which we get here in Beta.


Well-Known Member
Please forward this comment to the design team - even though it refers to servers other than Beta.
@Marindor, can you forward to the devs the suggestion to start next FAs on Beta on Tuesday? Thank you :)
@Marindor, please include my feedback that adding an extra day is AWESOME.
I don't really care if ~20 FS per server are a little bored for a day. Compared to making things more manageable for every other FS that's a good trade-off IMO, thanks!


Well-Known Member
I don't really care if ~20 FS per server are a little bored for a day. Compared to making things more manageable for every other FS that's a good trade-off IMO, thanks!
The extra day is all well and good. The problem on EN is that a lot of people complained last time around that they had the FA finishing at 6pm on a weekday. This one started and it was finishing at 6pm on Sunday... brilliant... except 24 hours in they sent a message saying that it had been extended by a day because their development team isn't working on a Sunday... so back to square one.