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Not a Bug fellowship adventures asking for diamonds every time

I have a Breadbadge but I can not use it, I always have to pay Diamants
we hae the same problem wit our carpenter badge

how can it be solved?

gr Pater Stafiel


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
hi Pater Stafiel.

when the button says 'pay', you are not actually paying with diamonds. If you are going to pay diamonds, the button will turn blue and the text will change to the amount of diamonds you will spend.

So its safe to click a button that says 'pay'
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Well-Known Member
I can see this has been marked as Not a Bug, but I also found this very confusing, and wasn't sure if I was about to "waste" some diamonds. Maybe some room for improvement in the UX here ?


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
yes jixel this is valid feedback that allready made it to the devs.
They are going to change it before it goed to live but did not want to delay the beta testing over this.

So this is feedback and doesnt belong in a bugreport, but it belongs in the feedback thread.