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Feedback from a US player


I am bidding you all a fond and some a non-so-fond farewell.

My leaving has to do with the latest releases and the increasingly narrow vision and unresponsiveness of the Developers of this game.

I know some will claim that this is a way to slow the players down in progress, but there are other ways to do that than limiting the ways the player is able to play the game. One of the simplest is simply increasing the costs in the research tree at higher levels rather than placing blockades that force certain play styles. Not all of us want to clear provinces or have a barracks or magic academy, but now we are being penalized for not having those.

How to grant players more freedom in how they play the game:
  1. Make Barracks & Magic Academy optional builds.
    1. With Barracks & Magic Academy optional, make them completely separate research lines so that if you opt to have a barracks, all the troop openings and upgrades and barracks upgrades follow the same line. Other research areas may still be required to open up those paths but Barracks and Magic Academy research aren't required to progress along the main research tree.
  2. Make non-boosted goods research and upgrades optional.
    1. This will clarify that trading among neighbors and fellowship is highly encouraged and the optimal way of playing.
  3. Remove the province conquest requirements.
    1. For those of us who do not enjoy battles and do not want to spend obscene amounts of goods, the province requirements for the chapters was a major stopping point. On some worlds due to time constraints I haven't made research progress since 1.0 dropped. So for me this was a major game changer that was extremely unwelcome.

Responsiveness to Players
This I cannot enumerate, but I know there are any number of suggestions that are repeated over and over such as neighborly help being less time consuming that have never been addressed and most of those have been floating around since last year.

  1. Do not drop code that has major bugs identified in it from Beta into the live servers. Seriously, not every release has to go into production. I am a tester by trade and I wouldn't accept things that break certain functionality into my test environment. This smacks of complete arrogance or incompetence to me.
  2. Beta - Unless there is an internal beta that progresses at a much faster rate, Beta could be sped up rather than daily so that players unlock things at a faster rate (and should be given diamonds to test purchases) so that more bugs and issues can be identified before promotion to live servers.

The main thrust of this, is that to me, Innogames and its developers do not care how the players play the game. They have a specific vision and if that is not how you want to play they are not concerned. Perhaps in the future this will change, but given their course over the last 6 months, I have severe doubts regarding this.
So the only thing that I can do as posts & suggestions have no impact upon them is quite simply take my time and money elsewhere.

For the players, I wish you the best of luck and lots of fun in your gaming.


I like those suggestions and it also fits perfectly into the discussion we have about the Academy and so on. Its sad to see her go. We need players like that actually. :(


Another player who is more concerned about game than greedy owners... Fellowship I am in (on my main server) during weekend lost, because of incompetence of owners, 6 high-end players (60-90k ranking points) . Among them Archmage. Few more are writing about quitting. I already abandoned all servers except main. Remember... If they are so obsessed with players money, do something that hit their pockets :) Don't pay them from now on. Maybe this will escalate problems higher and they start thinking what and how they are doing changes, because I think they are too arrogant to revert changes. And additionally we cannot forget, ignorance is blind.


Some of the suggestions are excellent, but please no sped-up test worlds. Testers need to have a sense of how changes affect the tempo of the game. Sped-up alpha testing is how we got things like "train 1000 sorceresses".
While we appreciate the intent behind this thread, the Beta forum is not meant to be a copy of the US forums, especially not if we start copying other people's posts and pasting them here. The post that has been quoted in the first post of this thread can be found here on the US forums if you wish to participate in a discussion about it. If feedback from it should be forwarded to our development team, our US Community Manager will be able to take care of that. :)