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Cannot reproduce False ready icon over Dwarven Bulwark and Prosperity Towers after leaving the city and coming back


Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.26-(d7fafa4) (2017-03-14 16:48)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: Firefox 52.0
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Win 10
Screen resolution: 1920*1080
Account name: Preator
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: N/A

Current situation:
After the production of Prosperity Towers and Dwarven Bulwark finishes and collecting the products, the "ready to collect" icon disappears as it should be. But after leaving the city by visiting the world map, another city or opening the research tree and coming back to the city the "ready to collect" icons over both Prosperity Towers and Dwarven Bulwark are back. One can click on them to collect. It seems like I have collected again, which is in fact not the case. Neither the supplies' nor the sword acrobats' quantity increases for the second time. Reloading the game corrects it.

Expected situation:
The "ready to collect" icon not to be shown after collecting the products, until they are ready again.

Reproduction Steps
Have a Dwarven Bulwark and/or Prosperity Towers
2. Wait until Sword Acrobats and/or Supplies are ready to collect.
3. Click on Dwarven Bulwark and/or Prosperity Towers and collect what is produced.
4. Go to World Map, visit another city or open research tree.
5. Go back to your city.
6. Observe the ready to collect icon(s) on Dwarven Bulwark and/or Prosperity Towers are there.
7. Click on Dwarven Bulwark and/or Prosperity Towers again and see the numbers float as if you collect that many sword acrobats and/or supplies.
8. Check the sword acrobats and/or supplies amounts to see they did't increase this time actually.
9. Reload the game to make everything right again.

Screenshots of the bug:
The screenshots correspond to item 5 and on

Both Dwarven Bulwark and Prosperity Towers look like they are ready to collect:

Hover the mouse over Prosperity Towers and see the supplies seem to be ready to collect:

Click on Prosperity Towers and try to collect them. Observe 13910 supplies seem to be collected, however the main menu does not show anything:

The same applies for Dwarven Bulwark:


Your report is so beautiful, everything is there to explain and help us to solve the issue. Unfortunately we still cannot reproduce it. :(

I will mark it as 'cannot reproduce' for now, but will continue to monitor Dwarven Bulwark and Prosperity Towers.

Personally, i would give you some diamonds, if i could, for the effort you invested in creating such a perfect report! But I'm just a little white owl with black dots (read as QA mod), and can't do magic like that.